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You are a poultry farmer

Manage the performance of your poultry farm easily


Full records of your mobs in your pocket!

fiche lot baoba

BAOBA is a day-to-day poultry farm management tool available on your smartphone, providing an all-round view of your farm and letting you enter data quickly and easily straight from the field, whether you are online or not. All your information is secured and shared with whoever you want, in real time. You enjoy full peace of mind and you won’t need to enter all that information in the evening, after a busy working day! The application facilitates the registration of your regulatory obligations (flock sheets, food chain information (ICA) sheets, etc.), your daily statements and tracking of your biosecurity plan.


Easy technical monitoring of your mobs

BAOBA helps you improve your poultry farm’s technical, economic and environmental performance day after day, thanks to easy, intuitive management of the technical levers at your disposal. BAOBA automatically generates the graphs you need to track and streamline your farm. There has never been an easier or more secure way to update your mob’s health status and track your performance indicators in real time (mortality, water and feed consumption, animal weight, building atmosphere, etc.).


See all your mobs on your personalised map

Cartographie volailles baoba

Use your smartphone and the interactive mapping interface on the BAOBA home page for a simple way to view a map of the farm, with all your mobs, buildings and grazing areas. The user-friendly map interface, which shows both herds and grazing areas, lets you browse simply through the application and record information intuitively.


Easy sharing with your technician and vet

BAOBA works online and off-line, enabling real time sharing and synchronisation of information between several users.

You can thus share all your information with the vets and technicians in your farmers’ organisation. For your partners, we have developed a specific, customisable solution that lets them provide everyday assistance.

reseau social baoba

Client testimonies

“I use BAOBA to take all my readings. Before, we noted everything on paper, but now we do it in real time on the phone. The technician can intervene much faster. It saves time. It secures production.”
Poultry farmer

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